Saturday, September 27, 2008

Long time coming...

Okay, so it's been awhile since I've written. I think it's mostly ennui (love that word, especially since I've only recently discovered it) from thinking: No one's commenting! No one's reading! I'm alone in the blogsphere! And no matter how true those thoughts may be, I should keep writing so that more people will read and send more people this way etc. etc. etc.

I've had a lot of fascinating and unusual experiences in my young/short life, one of which was seeing Greece. I wasn't able to take a lot of pictures, but thanks to a friend who lent me his minor memory cards, I was able to take some...

This was the sunset from the Thessaloniki Airport... right as we arrived... It was beautiful and exciting.

I love this pic because of the shades of blue in none other than the AGEAN SEA!!! That was definitely one of the thrills of the trip: seeing the Agean Sea...

This was the amphitheatre at Philippi. We tested the acoustics, and they worked perfectly! We were able to hear one of the quieter guys of the group speaking from way up in the stands... it was soooooo cool.

That's just a little bit about it... I'll certainly be writing more later!

For now, though, I need to go to bed! My sisters and I have a big day planned for tomorrow...

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